



ECR Group backs efforts to deliver competitive digital markets in Europe

The ECR Group in the European Parliament welcomes the agreement found on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) at the third trilogue which was concluded late on 24 March.

Under the deal, the largest and most common digital platforms and services, such as online shopping, mobile operating systems and app stores, will become more open to competition.

ECR shadow rapporteur Adam Bielan commented: “The DMA is a step forward in promoting greater competition and fairness in digital markets. The risk posed by dominant players is that they turn markets to their own benefit rather than supporting the citizens and small businesses that rely on their offering to reach their customers. It is important that we strike a balance, encouraging competitive leadership but also ensuring that those markets remain open and competitive.”

The new law will require greater respect for personal data from leading digital platforms, fairer conditions of access for businesses and more effective interoperability, opening the space for more innovation and enhanced competitiveness across European business in the digital space.

Bielan said:

“We recognise the need to consider how the DMA affects small business on the ground. The DMA introduces a number of opportunities for small businesses, including access to data and restrictions on how platforms compete with their customers. These are important improvements and I am already engaging with the Commission on how to support those small businesses in maximising the benefits they receive from these new rights.

“We were able to agree on new provisions cresting the opportunity for interoperability of messaging services. We should not allow the modern way of messaging to become monopolised by one provider, but we should keep the possibility for users to connect with each other using the service they prefer. This can help people stay in touch with family and friends while keeping their data safe.”

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