7 April 2022
The ECR Group has contributed a number of important elements to the right to repair resolution adopted by the European Parliament today.
The Group has anchored into the resolution the importance of consumer welfare and an innovative business environment, respect for trade secrets, plus multiple safeguards, such as a request for proper impact assessments, consultations with relevant stakeholders and cost-benefit analyses for both consumers and businesses.
MEP Adam Bielan, ECR coordinator in the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection, commented: “Today, we asked for effective options for everyone who wants to repair his electronics and other devices. We asked for a lowering of legal, technical and economic barriers that make it difficult for consumers to repair their own goods.”
He continued: “Consumers should enjoy their right to choose whether they want a defective or broken product to be replaced or repaired. The repair should be a choice, not an obligation.”
Additionally, the ECR Group suggested that attempts to legislate the right to repair should go hand in hand with improving the single market for services, especially by removing cross-border barriers to repairs services.
Bielan added: “Unfortunately our demand that policies supporting equal access to repair and providing for cross border services were not carried due to opposition from the left and the vast majority of Renew. The ECR welcomes the Commission bringing forward a proposal but has serious doubts about consumers ability to have fair access to repair across Europe and at a reasonable price unless the measures we suggest are taken.”