11 May 2015
Migration, Rural jobs, UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities and Russia and the EU’s Eastern Partnership.
The European Commission will publish proposals for a ‘European Agenda on Migration’. ECR home affairs spokesman (and former UK immigration Minister) Timothy Kirkhope MEP has argued that EU action should focus on saving lives, stabilisation of the region, assistance to help Member States overwhelmed by the situation, and urgent work and cooperation with the region to take out the people traffickers. However, he does not support suggestions that the EU should introduce binding quotas or more legal forms of migration which he does not believe address the root causes of the tragedies. He has argued that some countries should try to do more to help, but in a spirit of solidarity, not because they are forced to by an EU quota system.
As he said in the European Parliament last month, “True and meaningful solidarity is gained through trust, a moral imperative and a sense of responsibility which can never be created through compulsion.”
Read his full speech here.
Contact: James Holtum on +32 473 861762
Publication: Wednesday lunchtime – The European Parliament will debate the proposals next week
Rural jobs
The ECR policy group on the rural economy, chaired by Ian Duncan MEP, will hold a hearing on the ‘Challenges and Opportunities for the Rural Economy’. For the agenda and a list of speakers go to: http://ecrgroup.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/ruraleconomy120515agenda.pdf
Contact: Alasdair Rendall on +32 475 780819
Hearing: Tuesday @ 10.00 in EP room PHS1A002
UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
ECR Vice-President Helga Stevens will host a hearing on the implementation of the UN CRPD in the EU, with a video message by Commissioner Thyssen.
Contact: Yannick Vanderveeren on +32 471 200095
Hearing: Tuesday @ 17.30 room P1 A 002
Russia and the EU’s Eastern Partnership
The foreign affairs committee will adopt a resolution on EU-Russia relations, and meet with Georgian President Margvelashvili ahead of the upcoming Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga. The ECR Foreign Affairs spokesman is Charles Tannock MEP.
Contact: John Furbisher on +32 498 984760
Meeting: Monday from 15.00
For enquiries relating to the ECR Group, the Group Chairman or a national delegation not listed below:
James Holtum
ECR Group Spokesman
Rue Wiertz – ATR 07K 031
B – 1047 Brussels
Tel.: + 32 473 861762
E-mail: james.holtum@europarl.europa.eu
For enquiries relating to a national delegation of the group or its members:
UK delegation:
John Furbisher
Tel.: +32 498 984760
E-mail: john.furbisher@europarl.europa.eu
Polish delegation:
Katarzyna Ochman
Tel.: +32 470 955928
E-mail: katarzyna.ochman@europarl.europa.eu
German delegation:
Tobias Teuscher
Tel.: +32 475 864064
E-mail: tobias.teuscher@europarl.europa.eu
Belgian delegation:
Luc Rochtus
Tel.: +32 479 734567
E-mail: luc.rochtus@europarl.europa.eu
Czech delegation:
Jan Krelina
Tel.: +32 493 214346
E-mail: jan.krelina@europarl.europa.eu
Dutch delegation:
Maarten Van Der Fliert
Tel.: +31 652 24 44 64
E-mail: maarten.vandefliert@europarl.europa.eu
Bulgarian delegation:
Daniela Koleva
Tel.: +32 475 634973
E-mail: Daniela.koleva@europarl.europa.eu
Latvian delegation:
Karlis Bumeisters
Tel.: +371 29245260
E-mail: Karlis.bumeisters@europarl.europa.eu