



15th – 19th June – Brussels

Cloning, Draghi, Corporate taxation, Copyright, Economic governance, CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery in the North Sea and Waterloo.


The agriculture and environment committees will vote on a proposal to suspend the use of cloning in farm animals, the placing on the market of live animal clones and embryo clones and food from cloned animals.
ECR agriculture spokesman James Nicholson MEP believes that scientific evidence should determine the committee’s position and, with the evidence that cloning can lead to animal welfare concerns, a provisional ban is appropriate, at least until the processes and techniques are significantly improved.

Vote: Tuesday


ECB President Mario Draghi will appear before the economics committee, with Greece, Quantitative Easing, and future governance of the eurozone likely to be the major topics. ECR Vice-President and Greek MEP Notis Marias will ask a question of Mr Draghi.

Meeting: Monday afternoon

Corporate taxation

The European Commission is set to relaunch plans for a common consolidated corporate tax base in the EU, in light of recent allegations regarding corporate taxation arrangements in Europe.
ECR spokesman on the parliament’s temporary committee on taxation, Morten Messerschmidt MEP, believes that more transparency is the answer to tackling aggressive tax planning, but moves towards greater harmonisation of taxation policy risk seriously undermining EU member states’ sovereignty, and European competitiveness.

Announcement: Wednesday lunchtime


Parliament’s legal affairs committee will vote on a report looking at the implementation of EU Copyright legislation, ahead of expected proposals from the European Commission later this year.
ECR shadow rapporteur Angel Dzhambazki MEP believes the report should strike the right balance between the desire for greater portability of content services across the EU with the need to provide an adequate level of protection for rights holders.

Vote: Tuesday

Economic governance

The economics committee will vote against a report on economic governance within the eurozone. ECR shadow Bernd Lucke MEP is opposed to the proposals to create more flexibility in the fiscal rules, and efforts to deepen the single currency, including the creation of a euro area fiscal capacity based on specific own-resources, a common deposit guarantee scheme, the inclusion of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) into Union law, a minimum wage or income mechanism, a euro area mechanism to allow debt reduction and upgrading euro area external representations.

Vote: Tuesday

CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery in the North Sea

Ian Duncan MEP is hosting the European launch of findings from a comprehensive appraisal of CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery in the North Sea. The event will focus on achieving a low-carbon future for the North Sea and catalysing a new CO2 storage industry to serve Europe for the next 100 years.
If you would like to attend please click kere.

Event: Wednesday @ 12.30 in room A1H1


David Campbell Bannerman MEP is hosting a ‘spirited’ reception to commemorate the Bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo. The reception will be followed by a film screening of the 1970s classic film ‘Waterloo’.

Reception: outside room A3G2 @ 18.00 — Film screening: 19.30 in room A3G2


For enquiries relating to the ECR Group, the Group Chairman or a national delegation not listed below:

James Holtum

ECR Group Spokesman

Rue Wiertz – ATR 07K 031

B – 1047 Brussels

Tel.: + 32 473 861762

E-mail: james.holtum@europarl.europa.eu

For enquiries relating to a national delegation of the group or its members:

UK delegation:

John Furbisher

Tel.: +32 498 984760

E-mail: john.furbisher@europarl.europa.eu

Polish delegation:

Katarzyna Ochman

Tel.: +32 470 955928

E-mail: katarzyna.ochman@europarl.europa.eu

German delegation:

Tobias Teuscher

Tel.: +32 475 864064

E-mail: tobias.teuscher@europarl.europa.eu

Belgian delegation:

Luc Rochtus

Tel.: +32 479 734567

E-mail: luc.rochtus@europarl.europa.eu

Czech delegation:

Jan Krelina

Tel.: +32 493 214346

E-mail: jan.krelina@europarl.europa.eu

Dutch delegation:

Maarten Van Der Fliert

Tel.: +31 652 24 44 64

E-mail: maarten.vandefliert@europarl.europa.eu

Bulgarian delegation:

Daniela Koleva

Tel.: +32 475 634973

E-mail: Daniela.koleva@europarl.europa.eu

Latvian delegation:

Karlis Bumeisters

Tel.: +371 29245260

E-mail: Karlis.bumeisters@europarl.europa.eu




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