21 April 2015
European Fund for Strategic Investment, Personal Protective Equipment, Eurozone crisis, Religious Freedom in Iran and The Yoga Way.
European Fund for Strategic Investment
MEPs in the Budgets and Economics committees are set to vote on their position on the flagship policy aimed at leveraging €21 billion of EU and EIB money into €315 billion of investment across Europe.
The ECR Shadow Rapporteurs Richard Ashworth (UK, Budg) and Sander Loones (BE, Econ) are seeking to ensure that the fund is used for viable projects, chosen by independent investment experts, that are expected to make a return. They have also sought to ensure that budget allocations for the fund will have no adverse effect on money available for research, and do not exceed budgetary ceilings agreed in the EU’s medium-term budget.
Contact: James Holtum on +32 473 861762
Vote: Monday @ 16.45
Personal Protective Equipment
MEPs will vote on proposals to update laws setting out requirements for Personal Protective Equipment such as hard hats, life jackets and safety harnesses.
The Parliament’s rapporteur, ECR MEP Vicky Ford, has supported efforts to cut red tape so that it is easier to renew certificates for compliant products, cutting down on paperwork and improving market enforcement.
However, she is seeking to remove proposals to extend the law to include products for private use against heat, damp and water – which in particular would have covered, for example, oven gloves and umbrellas. The additional testing costs on these products would add burdens and costs to manufacturers and push up their price.
Mrs Ford wants clear and strong standards for safety products, but argues we do not need extra red tape and cost on many everyday household items.
Press officer to contact: John Furbisher on +32 498 984760
Vote: Thursday @ 09.45
Eurozone crisis
The ECR’s policy group on the Eurozone will hold an exchange of views on the Eurozone crisis. Hosted by ECR policy group chairman Joachim Starbatty, speakers include former EU Commissioner Frits Bolkestein, academics from the University of London and Gabriele d’Annunzio University, and MEPs Peter Van Dalen, Bernd Lucke and Mr Starbatty.
Hearing: Wednesday @ 09.00 in room P1A002
Religious Freedom in Iran
The ECR Policy Group on Religious Freedom will hold a hearing on Religious Freedom in Iran, with speakers from several faith traditions offering testimony from personal experience. The event will be chaired by Andrew Lewer MEP.
Hearing: Wednesday @ 15.00 in room PHS1A002
The Yoga Way
ECR MEPs Geoffrey Van Orden, Chairman of the parliament’s India delegation, and Nirj Deva are co-hosting an event where spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will talk about yoga and meditation, to mark the international day of yoga.
Meeting: Tuesday 21st April @ 16.00 in room PHS3C050
For enquiries relating to the ECR Group, the Group Chairman or a national delegation not listed below:
James Holtum
ECR Group Spokesman
Rue Wiertz – ATR 07K 031
B – 1047 Brussels
Tel.: + 32 473 861762
E-mail: james.holtum@europarl.europa.eu
For enquiries relating to a national delegation of the group or its members:
UK delegation:
John Furbisher
Tel.: +32 498 984760
E-mail: john.furbisher@europarl.europa.eu
Polish delegation:
Katarzyna Ochman
Tel.: +32 470 955928
E-mail: katarzyna.ochman@europarl.europa.eu
German delegation:
Tobias Teuscher
Tel.: +32 475 864064
E-mail: tobias.teuscher@europarl.europa.eu
Belgian delegation:
Luc Rochtus
Tel.: +32 479 734567
E-mail: luc.rochtus@europarl.europa.eu
Czech delegation:
Jan Krelina
Tel.: +32 493 214346
E-mail: jan.krelina@europarl.europa.eu
Dutch delegation:
Maarten Van Der Fliert
Tel.: +31 652 24 44 64
E-mail: maarten.vandefliert@europarl.europa.eu
Bulgarian delegation:
Daniela Koleva
Tel.: +32 475 634973
E-mail: Daniela.koleva@europarl.europa.eu
Latvian delegation:
Karlis Bumeisters
Tel.: +371 29245260
E-mail: Karlis.bumeisters@europarl.europa.eu