25 March 2013
Anatomy of a fall The Polish Law and Justice delegation will host a screening of ‘Anatomy of a Fall’, a documentary from a series of films on the Smolensk crash endorsed by Gazeta Polska weekly, which take a closer look at witness testimonies and independent expert findings pointing to explosions on board the Tu-154M plane. The movie is crucial in bringing us closer to the answer of what happened in the lead up to the crash on April 10th, 2010, which killed the President, his wife, and 94 other senior Polish figures.
Anatomy of a fall
The Polish Law and Justice delegation will host a screening of ‘Anatomy of a Fall’, a documentary from a series of films on the Smolensk crash endorsed by Gazeta Polska weekly, which take a closer look at witness testimonies and independent expert findings pointing to explosions on board the Tu-154M plane. The movie is crucial in bringing us closer to the answer of what happened in the lead up to the crash on April 10th, 2010, which killed the President, his wife, and 94 other senior Polish figures.
Press officer to contact: Mateusz Kochanowski on +32 489 582781
Screening: Tuesday @ 18.30 room PHS4B001
Future of the Euro
ECR Netherlands MEP Peter Van Dalen will host a presentation of five policy options for the Euro by Professor J Graafland of Tilburg University.
Press officer to contact: Maarten van de Fliert on +31 652 24 44 64
Presentation: Wednesday @ 13.30 room ASP1H1
Audit reform
British MEP Sajjad Karim will give the keynote speech at a conference on Audit Reform. Mr Karim is the parliament’s rapporteur on the reforms.
Press officer to contact: John Furbisher on +32 498 984760
Conference: Tuesday @ 14.00 room PHS 4B001
ECR spokesman: James Holtum on +32 473 861762
UK delegation: John Furbisher on +32 498 984760
Czech delegation: Jan Krelina on +32 493 214346
Polish delegation (PiS): Mateusz Kochanowski on +32 489 582781
Latvian delegation: Roland Petersons on +32 228 41545
Danish delegation: Peter Hansen on+32 489 84 47 96
Belgian delegation: Luc Rochtus on +32 479 73 45 67
Netherlands delegation: Maarten van de Fliert on +31 652 24 44 64