



Anna Fotyga (ECR): Russia once again an evil empire and prison of nations

In the presence of Estonian Prime Minister Kalia Kallas today in Strasbourg , the European Parliament debated the role of the EU in a changing world and the security of Europe after the Russian aggression and invasion of Ukraine.

Speaking on behalf of the Group, ECR Foreign Affairs Coordinator MEP Anna Fotyga (Poland), said:

“President, Madam Prime Minister, High-Rep., Vice-President, we used to call the Soviet Union: “The Empire of Evil and the Prison of Nations”. Now, looking, listening to the news, after bloody, awful, full-scale, cruel, aggression of the Russian Federation on Ukraine, we get an unbearable sense of déja-vu.

“The Ukrainian fight, what we call ” bellum iustum”: a war that is just, because with arms in their hands, they defend their territory, their whole territory, their internationally recognised territory. They defend their families – innocent civilians – against an enemy, against war crimes, against crimes against humanity, because we see traces of this, not only traces actually, already many documented cases.

“Unfortunately, the future security of our continent, and probably global security, very much depends on the result of this war. And therefore, we have to do our utmost to stop it.

“How to respond? Proportionately, Madam President, to killings of innocent children, 18 months old, and we need to know how to use strategic patience when we get these kinds of results.

“The only release I see comes after the surrender of the Russian Federation, full rejection of neo-imperialist ambitions, the rejection of Putin, that’s for sure, and the rejection of any will of his to stay aggressive vis-a-vis neighbours and much more beyond. We have towards work to this end.”

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