17 December 2013
The European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets sets out the view of MEPs on the annual budget of the EU institutions.
The European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets sets out the view of MEPs on the annual budget of the EU institutions. Scrutiny of the implementation of the budget, however, is carried out by the Budgetary Control Committee.
We do not believe the solution to Europe’s problems is to spend more; rather Europe’s challenge should be to spend better. EU spending must move away from traditional structures and priorities, and move towards more modern priorities. This means prioritising spending in research and high-tech innovation, completing the single market in both energy and the digital economy, and supporting cross border infrastructure in transport. At the same time, money should be concentrated in newer member states helping to modernise economies and boost growth.
The ECR Group has consistently fought, against much opposition, for a reduced EU budget and a fairer EU budget. As well as being good for our taxpayers, we believe it is good for the EU to show that we demand the same budgetary rigour is applied to EU spending as to national spending while focusing spending on those areas where it can most add value.
ECR Members of the BUDG Committee: