



Common charger to bring relief to consumers’ everyday lives

"The European standardisation of chargers for the devices like tablets, e-readers, some laptops and smartphones makes a lot of sense and will make everyday life easier for all of us," says ECR shadow rapporteur Kosma Złotowski after today’s vote in the European Parliament's Internal Market Committee.

Parliamentarians decided that from mid-2024, there will be only one standard USB-C connector for small and medium electrical appliances.

For Złotowski, it’s a consumer-friendly move, yet the ECR MEP cautions that “consumers need to keep in mind that a common plug for chargers does not mean the end of different charging capacities. In fact, charging speed may vary for different devices even when using the same plug.

“Therefore, consumers need to be careful that the same charger is not perfect for each device. In fact, the charging speed will vary for different devices even when used with the same connector. That’s why the ECR Group tabled an amendment that requires the Commission to work on a graphical indication label that will guide the consumers and help them them acquire a charging device that best fits their needs.

“It is important that we do not compromise further innovation through standardisation and that we continue to provide ample choice for consumers”, Złotowski added.

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