



Denmark elections further boost support for EU reform

The election of the ‘blue bloc’ to lead Denmark signals further support for parties that openly backed ECR inspired reforms during their election campaign.

The election of the ‘blue bloc’ to lead Denmark signals further support for parties that openly backed ECR inspired reforms during their election campaign.

ECR Group chairman Syed Kamall has congratulated ECR member party the Danish People’s Party on a strong showing, becoming the leading party in the centre-right bloc, and significantly increasing their vote share.

Dr Kamall said:

“Congratulations to the Danish People’s Party on their breakthrough in the Danish elections. The Danish delegation in the ECR is incredibly hard-working both for their constituents and for the cause of European reform and they have been an asset to the group.

“The result in Denmark continues the run of good news for the ECR family after winning a majority in Britain, taking the Polish Presidency, and entering the coalition in Finland. The so-called ‘blue bloc’ in Denmark has already committed itself to pursuing an agenda of major European reform, and we look forward to working with them to deliver this agenda that is gaining support across the continent.”

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