



Fully explore and exploit the potential of geothermal energy!

The European Parliament wants to see greater use of geothermal energy.

To this end, the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy has adopted an own-initiative report by ECR Group member Zdzisław Krasnodębski calling on the Commission and Member States to explore and develop the potential of geothermal energy across the EU and proposes a set of concrete recommendations.

Krasnodębski said, “Geothermal energy could play an important role in the energy transition and contribute significantly to the EU’s energy security. However, unlike other renewable energy sources, geothermal energy still lacks the right framework at EU level to even consider its further development and use.”

He also stressed that the potential of geothermal energy is unfortunately largely overlooked in transition areas, where decommissioned infrastructure such as closed mines, oil and gas wells can be used for geothermal projects.

Geothermal energy technologies are included in the categories of strategic net zero technologies for Europe in the Net Zero Industry Act. Up to 25 per cent of Europe’s heating and cooling needs and 10 per cent of electricity generation could come from geothermal energy.

MEPs also recognise that the public often has legitimate concerns about certain geothermal projects. “The most effective way to address public concerns is for project promoters to ensure a high level of transparency in their communications with local communities and authorities, and to maintain high environmental standards”, said Krasnodębski

He continued, “It would be best to set up a Geothermal Alliance involving Member States, industry, academia and civil society to facilitate the exchange of best practices, the implementation of much needed geothermal strategy and, last but not least, to raise awareness of this energy source, which can be crucial for the energy transition”.

The text was adopted by overwhelming majority with 51 votes in favour, 0 against and 2 abstentions.

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