



Improving health promotion and the resilience of health systems in the EU

Following today's adoption of the so-called 'EU4Health' programme in the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, the ECR Group's Shadow Rapporteur, Joanna Kopcińska, has highlighted that the “the European Parliament can pull together when things go in the right direction".

Mrs. Kopcińska considers the EU4Health Programme to be an ambitious stand-alone health initiative for the 2021-2027 period that will make a significant contribution to the post-COVID-19 recovery. She also believes the programme will help improve the resilience of national health systems and promote much-needed sector-wide innovation on the European level. Negotiations with the Council are now expected to begin following next month’s plenary vote, where our Shadow Rapporteur will prioritise improvements to the process for distributing funds, ensuring there is no duplication with existing EU schemes, as well as guarding against any attempts to use this new programme as a justification for additional EU competences in the area of public health.

Speaking after the vote, Ms Kopcińska commented:

“The programme will make a significant contribution to the post-COVID-19 recovery by making the EU population healthier, improving the resilience of health systems, promoting sector-wide innovation, and enhance cross-border cooperation between Member States.

“The reports looks to strengthen disease prevention, reduce health inequalities and support digitalisation in healthcare. Also, in accordance with the health competence boundaries set out in the Treaties, it looks to increase cooperation at EU level to improve preparedness in case of health crisis.

“We have been able to ensure that there are no duplications of schemes or conflicting competencies.

“As we progress further with our work under the German Presidency, areas of responsibility will become more clearly defined, and provisions on cooperation and data exchange can certainly be improved.”

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