



Juncker uses current crisis to push for an EU Army

In an interview in German newspaper ‘Welt am Sonntag’, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has called for an EU Army ‘to collectively take on Europe’s responsibilities the world.’

In an interview in German newspaper ‘Welt am Sonntag’, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has called for an EU Army ‘to collectively take on Europe’s responsibilities the world.’

In response, ECR Defence and Security spokesman Geoffrey Van Orden MEP said:

“This relentless drive towards a European Army must stop. For Eurocrats every crisis is seen as an opportunity to further the EU’s centralising objectives. However the EU’s defence ambitions are detrimental to our national interest, to NATO, and to the close alliances that Britain has with many countries outside the EU – not least the United States, Gulf allies, and many Commonwealth countries.

“European countries, with our other NATO allies, must stand firm against Putin’s aggression, but this needs political resolve and a commitment to strong defence, not for our armed forces to be dissolved into Mr Juncker’s fantasy world.

“If our nations faced a serious security threat, who would we want to rely on – Nato or the EU? The question answers itself.”

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