



Legutko speech to new Commission President von der Leyen

ECR Group Co-Chair Ryszard Legutko spoke earlier today during the debate with incoming European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. He said the ECR Group will continue to offer support on key packages such as finding a solution on migration, agreeing a compromise on the budget and proposals that further deepen the internal market. But he cautioned against attempts to reduce Member State's agenda setting powers and to remove their vetoes over foreign policy.

Speech in full:

Madame President, your Commission is a chance for a new beginning

And we hope there will be a new beginning.

Our Group will support you in many things.

We will support you in finding a compromise on the budget

We will support you in opening up the single market in services

In finding a lasting solution on migration

In implementing ambitious climate plans,

But let me emphasise

We will give full support to the people and communities

Whose livelihoods are threatened by the absurd ramping up of
climate ambitions

But please keep in mind that the EU will never be a nation

The EU is made up of 27 or 28 sovereign countries

And that no two countries are the same

Do not try to take power away from them by removing their rights
of veto

Remember that the institution that sets the EU agenda is the
European Council. Not the European Parliament.

Do not continue the previous commission’s practice of violating
the letter and the spirit of the treaties to enforce the process of integration

Despite what you hear in this chamber

Or in meeting rooms in Brussels

There is a completely different view of what the EU is, and what
it shouldn’t be in communities across our Member States

Let this be about evidence based policy,

Not policy based evidence.

Mrs, von der Leyen,

Good luck.

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