8 November 2017
Commenting on today’s proposals from the European Commission for new vehicle emissions targets and on revisions to the EU’s transport legislation, ECR transport coordinator Roberts Zille said:
Commenting on today’s proposals from the European Commission for new vehicle emissions targets and on revisions to the EU’s transport legislation, ECR transport coordinator Roberts Zille said:
“If the EU’s internal transport market is to work our competition rules need to be the same for everyone – we cannot introduce irrational and protective rules that create obstacles for transport companies to access the market. We fully support any moves to further liberalise transport throughout the EU and look forward to working on these proposals as they progress.”
ECR Polish MEP Kosma Zlotowski also commented on the introduction on new emissions targets at EU level. He said:
“It’s no secret that we need a more efficient transport sector but we must recognise the effect that our targets on CO2 emissions can have on manufacturers. In learning lessons from the car emissions scandal it is clear that any new targets on emissions must be both implementable and enforceable.”