7 July 2015
Today in Strasbourg Latvian Prime Minister Mrs. Straujuma spoke in front of the European Parliament completing the Latvian Presidency.
Today in Strasbourg Latvian Prime Minister Mrs. Straujuma spoke in front of the European Parliament completing the Latvian Presidency. Among the many progress aspects achieved in the Council during the Latvian Presidency the Prime Minister mentioned Juncker’s European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), progress with the Energy Union, abolition of roaming and the Eastern partnership summit to name just a few. The President of the Commission Mr. Juncker, while using a chance to tackle the Greek situation, expressed gratitude and admired the outcome of the first Latvian Presidency.
ECR member Roberts Zīle (Latvia) speaking in the name of the group (who worked also with the Network and Information security (NIS) directive as a coordinator in Transport and Tourism committee), while favourable towards Latvia’s strong technical approach towards the Presidency’s agenda, also expressed doubts whether Juncker’s Investment Plan will live up to its standards. Zīle argued: “To be honest I wouldn’t want to experience the fact where so called EFSI geographical neutrality towards investment would instead turn into geographical concentration for the investment only in the highly developed countries with high investment turnover”.
Zile continues, “nevertheless we have achieved a significant progress in a number of aspects that also play a crucial role in the ECR’s political agenda moving Europe into a New Direction and towards a Digital Single Market.
Also it was noticed not only by Mr. Zīle that the first rows in Plenary from the Presidency’s side were filled only with women including the Prime Minister herself. “Maybe this is the right gender equality for real progress” congratulating Latvian delegates concluded Mr Zīle.
Watch a video where Roberts Zile sets out the record of the Presidency here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6hs4U3Pfaw