



This week 14th - 18th November 2016

EU Budget 2017 The 21 day period in which the parliament and EU governments must conclude negotiations on the 2017 EU Budget expires this week.

EU Budget 2017

The 21 day period in which the parliament and EU governments must conclude negotiations on the 2017 EU Budget expires this week. The sides are hoping to reach agreement on both the 2017 budget and on the mid-term review of the seven year budget on Wednesday, in a meeting that could go into the night. ECR budgets spokesman Bernd Koelmel will continue to seek a budget agreement that redeploys EU resources away from outdated challenges, and towards today’s challenges such as funding for Europol and Frontex to counter the migration/refugee and security challenges the EU faces. Mr Koelmel is also seeking to ensure his proposal for a fund for the victims of terrorism is enacted in the budget.

Wednesday from 10.30

Contact Bernd Koelmel: +32 228 45701

Press officer to contact: Michael Strauss: +32 470 882348

COP 22

Julie Girling MEP and Ian Duncan MEP will be present at the Marrakech Climate Change Conference. Follow them both on Twitter – @juliegirling @IanDuncanMEP

Contact Julie Girling: +32 228 45678, Ian Duncan: +32 228 45249


The ECR Group will prepare for the Strasbourg session next week when the parliament will vote on Anna Fotyga MEP’s report on ‘Strategic Communications’ and ways to identify and counter misinformation and propaganda aimed at undermining the West’s security; and legislation being steered through by Julie Girling MEP which sets national ceilings on emissions of a number of pollutants.

Contact Anna Fotyga +32 228 45356; Julie Girling: +32 228 45678

Press officer to contact: James Holtum on +32 473 861762


Film Screening Europe’s Migration Tragedy

Watch this 20 minute dramatic, tragic and thought-provoking film following the MOAS search and rescue operation in the Mediterranean with Sky News Europe Correspondent Mark Stone, and MOAS Director Mr Pete Sweetnam. Hosted by Daniel Dalton MEP. The screening will be followed by a Q&A.

Monday 18.30 in room A1H1

Contact Daniel Dalton: +32 228 45897

An improved migration policy and border control

This panel discussion co-hosted by six ECR MEPs* will hear perspectives from Governmental representatives and legal experts from EU and non-EU countries.

The conference will be webstreamed with a link posted from the ECR website on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday 09.00 in room PHS1A002

*Angel Dzhambazki, Jussi Halla-aho, Bernd Koelmel, Anders Vistisen, Kosma Zlotowski, Ulrike Trebesius

Contact Angel Dzhambazki +32 228 45697


Bernd Koelmel and Jussi Halla-aho are hosting a hearing on EU Firearms reform.

The conference will be webstreamed with a link posted from the ECR website on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday 14.00 in room PHS1A002

Contact Otto Juote: +32 475 904431

Independence of Somaliland

ECR development spokesman Nirj Deva is hosting a hearing on an independent Somaliland, with ECR foreign affairs spokesman Charles Tannock, the Somaliland Foreign Minister Saad Ali Shire, former Somaliland First Lady Edna Adan and Former UN Assistant Secretary General Sir Desmond De Silva.

Hearing: Wednesday 4B001 14.30

Contact Nirj Deva: +32 228 45245


ECR Group spokesman: James Holtum Tel: +32 473 861762 E-mail:


– For enquiries relating to a national delegation of the group or its members:

UK delegation: Robert Taylor Tel: +32 498 984760



Polish delegation: Katarzyna Ochman Tel.: +32 470 955928 E-mail:


German delegation: Michael Strauss on +32 470 882348



Flemish delegation: Yannick Vanderveeren Tel.: +32 473 80 64 46 Email:


Danish delegation: Kristian Olesen Tel.: +45 61624876



Czech delegation: Jan Krelina Tel.: +32 493 214346



Dutch delegation: Maarten Van Der Flierte Tel: +31 652 244464



Finnish delegation: Otto Juote Tel: +32 475 904431



Latvian delegation: Karlis Bumeisters Tel: +371 29245260 Email:


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