



This week 7th - 11th November 2016

This week in the European Parliament, MEPs are meeting in their respective committees with a number of items to debate and vote upon.

This week in the European Parliament, MEPs are meeting in their respective committees

with a number of items to debate and vote upon. These include a discussion on the recent signature of the EU-Canada trade agreement – CETA – in the international trade committee. The ECR has been a leading proponent of more open trade and of the CETA deal, arguing that it will lead to cheaper products, and more opportunities for EU companies of all sizes to expand and grow. ECR shadow rapporteur on the deal, David Campbell-Bannerman continues to speak in favour of the agreement. The debate will be held on Thursday morning.

MEPs will also meet with a number of European Commissioners throughout the week. Security Union Commissioner Julian King will appear before home affairs MEPs on Tuesday, where interim spokesperson Helga Stevens will question him on efforts to improve cross-border cooperation on security. Vice-President of the Commission and High Representative Mogherini will discuss the EU Global Strategy with MEPs on Tuesday morning, following on from its publication in June. ECR Foreign Affairs spokesman Charles Tannock will question her on some of the details of the strategy. Vice-President Katainen will make appearances before the environment committee on Tuesday to discuss the Circular Economy (‘trash is cash’), and then before the transport committee on Wednesday to talk about transport infrastructure investments. ECR MEP Mark Demesmaeker is a strong advocate of developing the circular economy, and ECR transport coordinator Roberts Zile has been concerned that smaller EU countries are not currently able to readily access EU funds like the European Fund for Strategic Investment.

On Wednesday, the Petitions committee will vote on a report drafted by ECR Vice-President Notis Marias looking at the activity of the European Ombudsman; whilst the fisheries committee will on the same day vote on a report by ECR MEP Jørn Dohrmann on reciprocal access to fishing in the Skagerrak for vessels flying the flag of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

The Finance Ministers of Spain and Portugal will also be in a joint meeting of the economics and regional development committees on Tuesday to discuss a possible suspension of EU structural funding after the commission triggered an “excessive deficit” procedure for these two countries. The following day the Finance Minister of Ireland will also be present in the economics committee, where taxation is expected to feature prominently.

And of course, the USA will elect a new President on Tuesday. Full reactions from ECR MEPs will be posted on social media following the result.

Media contacts can be found here: http://ecrgroup.eu/contacts/

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