12 November 2018
This week in the European Parliament, ECR MEPs endorse Jan Zahradil as Spitzenkandidat for Commission Presidency, Merkel appears in plenary on the future of Europe, Asia Bibi's lawyer attends EP press conference with President Tajani and Peter Van Dalen, special committee on terrorism adopts its final report, & more.
ECR Group to endorse ‘Spitzenkandidat’ for Commission Presidency
On Tuesday evening members of the ECR Group will vote to endorse the candidature of our Czech MEP Jan Zahradil as the next President of the European Commission. A press point will follow immediately after the vote.
Press point: Tuesday @ 18:30
Where: North Gallery, LOW 1st floor
Contact: Jan Krelina, jan.krelina@ep.europa.eu, +32 493 214 346
Merkel to appear before MEPs
German Chancellor Merkel will address the European Parliament’s Plenary on Tuesday. This will be the first appearance of Chancellor Merkel in the European Parliament plenary since October 2015, when she appeared alongside the then French President François Hollande. The ECR Group will present its vision for the future of the EU in the run up to the next European elections. We will call for an EU that moves away from a federalised model, and instead looks to do less but do better in key areas such as border management, the migrant crisis, internal security, the single market and international trade, rather than seeking to replace national governments in all areas.
Debate: Tuesday @ 15:00
Contact: Gareth Goldsmith, gareth.goldsmith@ep.europa.eu, +32 476 668 050
Press Conference with Asia Bibi´s Lawyer
ECR Dutch MEP Peter Van Dalen will hold a joint press conference on Wednesday with Asia Bibi´s lawyer Saif Malook, and European Parliament President Antonio Tajani. In 2010 Asia Bibi was sentenced to death in Pakistan for alleged blasphemy, but following years of campaigning was last month acquitted by the country´s Supreme Court. Along with other ECR MEPs, Van Dalen has followed the case closely since the sentencing and has regularly travelled to Lahore to meet her family and last week was at the airport to greet Malook, who has been granted temporary asylum in the Netherlands.
Press conference: Wednesday @ 10:30
Where: LOW N -1.2
Contact: Jan Krelina, jan.krelina@europarl.europa.eu, +32 493 214 346
Special Committee on Terrorism to adopt final report
On Tuesday Parliament’s special committee on terrorism will vote on their final report and recommendations. ECR Flemish MEP Helga Stevens is the parliament’s rapporteur on the committee’s report and is calling for a European blacklist for hate preachers, better support for terror victims and a European ‘decryption hub’ that would be a centre of expertise within Europol aimed at deciphering encrypted messages and thus potentially providing crucial information to the authorities. Stevens’ report is based on intensive research and contacts with police and intelligence services across Europe and she hopes it will provide a crucial step forward to a coherent and effective security policy.
When: Tuesday @ 20:00
Contact: Yannick Vanderveeren, yannick.vanderveeren@ep.europa.eu, +32 473 806 446
New rules to boost 5G deployment
MEPs will vote on two proposals aiming at widespread reform of telecoms sectors in the EU. New provisions aim at speeding up the roll-out of next generation 5G networks and will see messaging apps such as Whatsapp regulated in the same way as traditional telecoms services to ensure users have consistent rights. ECR MEP Evzen Tosenovsky is parliament’s rapporteur on one of the reports that will improve cooperation between national regulators whilst ensuring the independence of the body of regulators, BEREC.
In addition, a new alert system will be established to warn members of the public in the event of a large and unfolding emergency and what they should do to remain safe. Parliament’s vote comes in the same week as the 3rd anniversary of the Paris terrorist attacks (13th November).
Debate: Wednesday @ 9:00, vote @ 12:30
Contact: Gareth Goldsmith, gareth.goldsmith@ep.europa.eu, +32 476 668 050
100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in Poland
On Tuesday ECR Polish MEP and European Parliament vice-President Zdzisław Krasnodębski will open an exhibition to mark the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in Poland.
When: Tuesday @ 13:00. Where: Espace Emilio Colombo, LOW 1st Floor
Contact: Kasia Ochman, katarzyna.ochman@ep.europa.eu, +32 470 955 928