



Week Ahead: 28 March - 1 April 2022

ECR Western Balkans Summit: “Europe as a civilisational choice”; Persecuted Christians in North Korea

ECR Western Balkans Summit: “Europe as a civilisational choice”

On Tuesday 29 March and Wednesday 30 March 2022, the ECR Group will host recognised experts in the fields of security, economy, democratisation and European integration, as well as current and former decision-makers from the Western Balkans region, for the Summit: ‘Western Balkans – Europe as a civilisational choice’. The summit will focus on the issues of foreign interference and disinformation, and the processes of EU enlargement and integration as opportunities for countries in the region to face up to current challenges. Speakers will try to define the role that Western Balkans countries might play in the future of Europe.

Live-streamed in English, on the ECR Group’s YouTube and Twitter channels, the broadcast will feature ECR Group Co-Chairmen Prof Ryszard Legutko and Raffaele Fitto; President of the ECR Institutional Policy Working Group Prof Zdzisław Krasnodębski; ECR MEPs Angel Dzhambazki, Lars Patrick Berg, Assita Kanko and Ladislav Ilcic; and distinguished guests: Ms Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council and former Minister of European Integration of Albania; Mr Haki Abazi MP, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora; and Ms Zorka Kordić, Chief Negotiator for the EU Accession of Montenegro.

When: Tuesday @ 16:30 - 18:30 CET & Wednesday @ 10:00 - 12:15 CET

Find out more about the event on the ECR Group website.

Persecuted Christians in North Korea

On Wednesday, ECR MEP Bert-Jan Ruissen will host a webinar on persecuted christians in North Korea. North Korea is considered the worst country to live in for Christians, after Taliban-led Afghanistan. Christians there are persecuted, tortured or killed at an extraordinary rate, with approximately 50.000–70.000 Christians currently imprisoned. In North Korea, religion is seen as a threat for the mandatory state worshipping of dictator Kim Jong-un, his father and his grandfather. How can the EU stand by the persecuted Christians and support the freedom of belief in North Korea? A panel of experts will share their views.

Translation into English and Dutch is available. Link for joining the conference online: https://broadcaster.interactio.eu/join/czte-yism-i8l7

When: Wednesday @ 15:00

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