Tuesday 21 January 2025 @ 13:30 CET
On Tuesday, The Fratelli d’Italia delegation in the ECR Group is hosting a high-level conference on the future of the automotive sector in Europe.
The event, titled “Revving Up the Engine: The Way Forward to Overcome the Automotive Crisis” will provide key insights into the ongoing crisis in the automotive industry, including the presentation of an exclusive ECR Group survey ‘Perception of the automotive sector’s crisis in Europe’ on how European citizens perceive the current challenges.
The guest speaker, Adolfo Urso, Italian Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy , will provide an update on his “non-paper” on the automotive Sector.
The event will take place in room N 1.3, European Parliament, Strasbourg at 13:30.
Journalists wishing to attend are kindly requested to register in advance.
For further information or to confirm attendance, please contact:
Raffaella Viglione: +39 339 6254 774; raffaella.viglione@europarl.europa.eu
Alexandr Vondra, ECR ENVI coordinator
Elena Donnazzan, ITRE Vice Chair
Roberts Zile, ECR TRAN coordinator
Pietro Fiocchi, ENVI Vice Chair
Adolfo Urso, Italian Minister of Enterprise
Patryk Jaki, ECR Co-Chair
Nicola Procaccini, ECR Co-Chair
Monday 10 February 2025 @ 18:00 CET