



Europe’s Strategy for beating cancer: the long-term effects for our health

On Saturday 27 November, a webinar organised and hosted by MEP Andrey Slabakov will bring together Members of the European Parliament, representatives from the European Commission and Bulgarian Ministry of Health, international oncology experts and the pharmaceutical industry for a virtual roundtable discussion on the EU's approach to fighting cancer. In light of on an upcoming vote of the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Beating Cancer, MEP Andrey Slabakov has invited stakeholders to the table to discuss the expected impacts of the Beating Cancer Plan, not only on a policy level, but for real patients, for those at risk, and for cancer survivors. The event aims to highlight both the strong and weak points underlying the European strategy on cancer and any potential for its improvement.


Opening and welcome remarks @ 9:30 CET

  • Mr. Andrey Slabakov, ECR MEP, Member of the Special Committee on Beating Cancer

How Europe is beating cancer and what it means for the future @ 9:40 CET

  • Ms. Joanna Kopcinska, ECR MEP, Vice-Chair of the Special Committee on Beating Cancer

The new EU mission on cancer @ 10:00 CET

  • Ms. Barbara Kerstiens, Acting Director for Health, Directorate-General Research & Innovation, European Commission

Parliament’s view on the Beating Cancer Plan @ 10:20 CET

  • Ms. Dolors Montserrat, MEP, Rapprorteur for the Pharmaceutical Strategy report
  • Mr. Pietro Fiocchi, ECR MEP, Shadow Rapporteur for the report on the EU Beating Cancer Plan
  • Mr. Andrey Slabakov, ECR MEP, Member of the Special Committee on Beating Cancer

The Bulgarian approach to the Beating Cancer Plan @10:50

  • Dr. Maria Tyufekchieva, Chief of Department of Health Promotion, Prevention of Diseases and Additions Directorate, Ministry of Health, Bulgaria

Discussion with Q&A from oncology experts @ 11:00

The long-term effect of the Beating Cancer Plan on our health - roundtable discussion @ 13:30

  • Prof. Dobrin Konstantinov, MD, PhD – Head, Pediatric Clinical Hematology and Oncology Department, “Tsaritsa Johanna” Hospital, Sofia
  • Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Kalev, MD, PhD – Head, Medical & Radiation Oncology Direction SBALOZ “Dr. M. Markov”, Varna
  • Assoc. Prof. Ilina Micheva, MD, PhD – Haematology Department Medical University of Varna
  • Assoc. Prof. Natalia Chilingirova, MD, PhD – Head of Medical Oncology Clinic at the Center of Clinical Excellence, Pleven
  • Dr. Alexandrina Vlahova - Chairperson of the Bulgarian Pathology Association
  • Dr. Stanimir Hasardzhiev – Founder and Chairperson of the Bulgarian National Patients’ Organization (NPO)
  • Ms. Ivana Cattaneo – Vice-Chair, EFPIA Oncology Platform


  • Dr. Ivian Benishev, Director of the Medical Activities Directorate at the Bulgarian Ministry of Health

Q&A session with viewers @ 15:00

Conclusion and closing remarks @ 16:00

  • Mr. Andrey Slabakov, ECR MEP, Member of the Special Committee on Beating Cancer

You can follow the live broadcast on YouTube (EN) and Facebook (BG).

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