



Efficiency and Subsidiarity - Guideline on Reforming EU Budgetary Policy

Efficiency and Subsidiarity - Guideline on Reforming EU Budgetary Policy

Reforming the EU budget is essential if it is to meet the challenges of the future not the past. In this paper Bernd Kölmel, Anders Vistisen and Richard Sulík provide their guidelines on reform, arguing for a sustainably financed EU budget and an efficient budgetary policy in keeping with the principle of subsidiarity.

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Global objectives, balance and sustainability, risk provision and budgetary control are examples of the topics needed to be discussed in order to reform the EU budgetary policy. The budget must comply with strategic principles if the objective of economical and prudent appropriation of budget resources is to be achieved. In this paper, the ECR Policy Group on Budgets outline guidelines on reforming EU Budget policy.

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3 September 2024

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