



Bloggers and influencers vs. encyclopaedias

Reception "Bloggers and influencers vs. encyclopaedias: Understanding the importance of expert-authored and verified information sources"

When: Wednesday, October 9

Where: European Parliament, JAN 3Q Cafe Antall (Brasserie)

When: 18:00 - 21:00

Hosted by our Latvian MEP Dace Melbārde and running from 18:00 - 21:00 the event will discuss:

- Fulfilment of the obligation to enlighten the population: the role of encyclopaedias in spreading of knowledge to everyone
- What role can expert-authored and verified online encyclopaedias play in the age of fake facts, propaganda and commercial bloggers and influencers?
- What are the current and future challenges for encyclopaedias? Understanding the financial, technological and editorial aspects
- What role could the European Union and the European Parliament play in strengthening the efforts currently undertaken by the national encyclopaedias?
- Making of a national encyclopaedia: sharing the success stories and learning the lesson
- What role can national encyclopaedias play in creating and maintaining positive national identities around Europe?

The speakers include:
- Dace Melbārde (host), Member of European Parliament
- Erik Bolstad, the Great Norwegian Encyclopaedia
- Valters Ščerbinskis, the Latvian National Encyclopaedia
- Naja Bentzen, European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS)
- Ivars Ijabs, Member of European Parliament

For further details contact: dace.melbarde@europarl.europa.eu

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