



Conference on Alternatives to UNRWA

ECR MEP Bert-Jan Ruissen to Host Event on 13 November

On Wednesday, 13 November, ECR MEP Bert-Jan Ruissen will host a conference addressing alternatives to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). “Unfortunately, there is a lot of evidence that UNRWA staff were also involved in the 7 October attacks,” says Mr Ruissen.

The event seeks to provide an honest assessment of UNRWA and raise awareness among MEPs of alternative options, as concerns mount over UNRWA’s reliability as a partner.

The conference will feature distinguished speakers, including Sharren Haskel, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister, and Zlatko Zigic, a former UN official, who will offer unique insights into the issues surrounding UNRWA.

When: Wednesday @ 12:00-13:30


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