



Putin-beyond any suspicion? Film screening of ‘Under Threat’

On Wednesday 3 May at 15:00 in SPINELLI 05E2, Professor Zdzisław Krasnodębski will host a screening of a film titled 'Under Threat' which will be followed by a discussion.

On 10 April 2010, a Polish presidential plane crashed near the Russian city of Smoleńsk, killing all 96 people on board. In 2010, the then Polish government agreed that the search of the causes of the disaster should remain in the competence of Russia. However, to this day, this investigation has not been completed.The black boxes and wreckage of the airplane have not yet been returned to Poland The aim of this film screening and discussion is to remember the 96 lives lost that day. The post-film conversation will involve interventions from Ewa Stankiewicz, the film director; Glenn Jorgensen, a member of the investigation committee; Grzegorz Januszko, who lost his daughter in the crash; and Petras Austrevicius & Ivars Ijabs, Members of the European Parliament.

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