



Panel discussion: Harm reduction – the road to a smoke free Europe.

ECR Group MEP Johan Nissinen will host an event that focuses on beating cancer, one smoker at a time with a focus on the evidence for tobacco harm reduction.

The guests involved in the discussion include:

  • Mr Clive Bates, public health partner of European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates
  • Mr Julio Ruades Esteban, Spanish Association of Personal Vaporizer Users (Anesvap),
  • Philippe Poirson, Sovape Association France
  • Mr Tom Gleeson, New Nicotine Alliance.

The event will also hear from ex-smokers who will share their individual journeys of quitting smoking.

The debate will focus on:

• The link between the principle of subsidiarity and tobacco harm

• Equal conditions in the EU single market

• The policy challenge – effective use of the powers of the European Union

When: Tuesday 5 December 2023 09:00-11:30

Where: SPAAK 1A2

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