



Wednesday 31 January @ 10:30 CET

Event: How the 2030 Agenda and EU regulation are impacting companies and workers

On Tuesday, ECR MEPs Margarita De La Pisa and Raffaele Stancanelli will host the second meeting of the ECR Policy Group on “Enterprise, Employment and Entrepreneurship”.


Tuesday 30 January 2024 @ 16:30 CET

Event: Briefing on the war in Gaza with Colonel Richard Kemp CBE

On Tuesday, ECR MEP and Vice-Chair of the Delegation for relations with Israel, Bert-Jan Ruissen will host an exclusive briefing with Colonel Richard Kemp CBE on the war in Gaza.


Tuesday 23 January 2024 @ 13:00 - 14:30

The situation of the fish processing market in the EU and individual Member States

​On Tuesday, MEP Anna Fotyga will host an event focusing on the situation of the fish processing market in the EU and individual Member States.


Wednesday 6 December 2023 @ 9:30 - 12:30 CET

Event: Belarus Cross-Party Forum 8+100

On Wednesday morning, ECR MEP Anna Fotyga will join MEPs from S&D, EPP and Greens/EFA in hosting a cross party forum tasked with discussing and agreeing upon a common strategy towards a democratic Belarus.


Thursday 7 December 2023 @ 15:00 - 16:30 CET

Event: The Anti-Semitic Roots of Conspiracy Theories

On Thursday afternoon, Michiel Hoogeveen MEP will host a conference entitled 'The Anti-Semitic Roots of Conspiracy Theories'.


Wednesday 6 December 2023 @ 11:30 - 13:30 CET

Event: How to stop radicalisation in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

On Wednesday, ECR MEPs Cristian Terheș and Bert-Jan Ruissen will host a conference dedicated to exploring ways of preventing radicalisation amidst the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict.