Wednesday 1 June 2022 @ 12:00 CET
Europe is Ukraine, Ukraine is EuropeThe war in Ukraine has not yet ended, so each of us, as Europeans, must help our neighbour fight and win this brutal war. Only together can we make a difference.
DETAILSWednesday 18 May 2022 @ 9:30 - 11:00 CET
With open heartsRelief efforts of Central and Eastern Europe to the humanitarian crisis caused by the Russian war against Ukraine.
DETAILSWednesday 18th March 2022 @ 16:30 - 18:30 CET
Their only crime was not being Russian: The Circassian GenocideThe Circassian genocide, or The Tlapserykh, was the 19th century Russian Empire's systematic extermination, ethnic cleansing and forced expulsion of up to 97 percent of the north Caucasus Mountain’s indigenous Circassians from their ancestral lands.
DETAILSTuesday 29 - Wednesday 30 March 2022
ECR Western Balkans SummitEurope as a Civilisational Choice
DETAILS23 March 2022 @ 14:00
The French EU Council Presidency, European Security, and the EU Mediated Georgian-Russian Cease-FireThe French EU Council Presidency, European Security, and the EU Mediated Georgian-Russian Cease-Fire Agreement of 2008. Current State and the Way Forward
DETAILS1-2 March 2022
ECR Eastern Partnership SummitOn Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 March 2022, the ECR Group will host recognised experts in the fields of security, economy, democratisation and European integration, as well as current and former decision-makers from the Eastern Partnership region for the first ECR Eastern Partnership Summit, titled ‘Eastern Partnership – Europe as a civilisational choice’.